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//! Timers
use nb;
use void::Void;
/// A count down timer
/// # Contract
/// - `self.start(count); block!(self.wait());` MUST block for AT LEAST the time specified by
/// `count`.
/// *Note* that the implementer doesn't necessarily have to be a *downcounting* timer; it could also
/// be an *upcounting* timer as long as the above contract is upheld.
/// # Examples
/// You can use this timer to create delays
/// ```
/// extern crate embedded_hal as hal;
/// #[macro_use(block)]
/// extern crate nb;
/// use hal::prelude::*;
/// fn main() {
/// let mut led: Led = {
/// // ..
/// # Led
/// };
/// let mut timer: Timer6 = {
/// // ..
/// # Timer6
/// };
/// Led.on();
/// timer.start(1.s());
/// block!(timer.wait()); // blocks for 1 second
/// Led.off();
/// }
/// # extern crate void;
/// # use void::Void;
/// # struct Seconds(u32);
/// # trait U32Ext { fn s(self) -> Seconds; }
/// # impl U32Ext for u32 { fn s(self) -> Seconds { Seconds(self) } }
/// # struct Led;
/// # impl Led {
/// # pub fn off(&mut self) {}
/// # pub fn on(&mut self) {}
/// # }
/// # struct Timer6;
/// # impl hal::timer::CountDown for Timer6 {
/// # type Time = Seconds;
/// # fn start<T>(&mut self, _: T) where T: Into<Seconds> {}
/// # fn wait(&mut self) -> ::nb::Result<(), Void> { Ok(()) }
/// # }
/// ```
pub trait CountDown {
/// The unit of time used by this timer
type Time;
/// Starts a new count down
fn start<T>(&mut self, count: T)
T: Into<Self::Time>;
/// Non-blockingly "waits" until the count down finishes
/// # Contract
/// - If `Self: Periodic`, the timer will start a new count down right after the last one
/// finishes.
/// - Otherwise the behavior of calling `wait` after the last call returned `Ok` is UNSPECIFIED.
/// Implementers are suggested to panic on this scenario to signal a programmer error.
fn wait(&mut self) -> nb::Result<(), Void>;
/// Marker trait that indicates that a timer is periodic
pub trait Periodic {}
/// Trait for cancelable countdowns.
pub trait Cancel: CountDown {
/// Error returned when a countdown can't be canceled.
type Error;
/// Tries to cancel this countdown.
/// # Errors
/// An error will be returned if the countdown has already been canceled or was never started.
/// An error is also returned if the countdown is not `Periodic` and has already expired.
fn cancel(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;